Boston Aftermath Commentary

Experiences, Thoughts and Ideas

Bismillahi Ar Rahman Ir Rahim

I’m a Muslim and I’ve lived in America for 23 years. I’ve watched people I’ve known and loved be wrongfully accused, threatened, harassed, and even deported. I’ve been called bad names. The front of my masjid was destroyed by an angry man after 9/11. My fellow Muslims in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, and Yemen have been victims of acts of terrorism, genocide, corrupt governments, desperate measures, and a severe and humiliating lack of understanding and dialogue. Yet, all of us…ALL OF US…DO NOT tolerate acts of violence against innocent civilians. It’s terrifying when what we see on the news all over the world hits us at home. I’m not sure I believe everything the news is saying, but what I do believe in is patience and good will. I believe that God is All-Merciful, All-Knowing, The Wise. I love my family, my friends, and I love the opportunities I’ve received while living in America. I’ve become a stronger, more dedicated Muslim, and I’ve been so blessed with the peace and stability I’ve enjoyed here. But let’s not forget those who suffer everyday without a voice, without peace, without stability, where acts like those that happened on Monday are frequent, deadlier, and rarely talked about.

Forget the religion, race, gender, politics of the person responsible for the Boston attacks for now. Right now, let’s just be humans helping humans, getting past this and helping one another for the sake of whatever any of us believes in. Later, when things we have settled and we’re no longer in a panic, let’s worry about the semantics and the politics. And use the ties we’ve made in helping one another to allow wisdom and reflection in to our dialogues. Turning tragedy in to progress and progress in to peace and understanding should be the only goal here. That being said, I disagree wholeheartedly with the way the media portrays tragedies like this. Don’t believe in everything you hear and see on TV, don’t be quick to accept what is shown. Don’t fall for loaded questions and loaded statements and propaganda. Focus on rebuilding after a storm instead of yelling at the sky.

Let us rely on Allah’s Infinite Wisdom and pray that He keeps our Imans strong and resilient during this time of difficulty. May Allah keep all innocent civilians safe from the actions of reckless and thoughtless individuals and increase understanding between communities so that we may live in peace and understanding. May Allah increase us in noor, Iman, ilm, and give us steadfastness in all that pleases Him, give us piety and patience, and give us Jannah. Ameen.